It's such a beautiful day! Come to the gardens to explore...take in all the beauty!  We have 20 acres of nursery and gardens, 3 ponds stocked with tropical fish, turtles, and frogs, a beautiful shade house full of beautiful plants, and rows and rows of succulents and roses. Come get inspired and let nature heal your soul!

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Jackie Jesch • May 26, 2020

Wildflowers are playful, beautiful and graceful…like ballerinas. I was wandering through the garden section at the hardware store last year looking for some new tools for my garden. I rounded the corner and discovered cans and bags of Wildflower seeds. The pictures  on the front were so pretty…and an idea sprung to mind. We have had a patch of ground that we’ve never done anything with…it was just dirt and two round green covers for the guy I call every couple of years or so to pump the septic system. I’ve never lived with a septic system before we moved here. It seemed like forbidden land, like I should put up a Toxic Waste “Keep Out” sign. When I saw this bag of seed, I saw that patch of dirt and what it was now destined to become. I got so excited. I read the list on the bag of what kind of seeds it contained and how and when to plant. So last spring, on a beautiful day, I took a shovel out and loosened the soil…then wielding a hoe I broke up the chucks of dirt and loosely gave it shape. The next day I tossed fertilizer out lightly and watered. I did that for a couple of more days and then the time came. I lightly racked the soil and in a flurry of fun, tossed those seeds here and there with a feeling of such delight. I had liberated my dirt patch to become a garden of wildflowers dancing in the breeze. I could almost see them coming up as wild and free as their name blues, pinks, yellow and orange. I knew I probably tossed a few more seeds than recommended, but I felt as free as a wildflower. I felt happy, wild and I guess just a little “crazed”.

Then I waited …and waited…sprinkled the patch, and peered at the dirt. I wondered and waited some more…and more. Then, one day I saw a bit of green and more green patches. It was like waiting to take the cookies out of the oven… 

For days, I watched and sprinkled my “wild garden to be” with the mist of the hose. While they were still green fluffs, I imagined my flowers, their colors, their shapes, their grace with a joy I just can’t truly describe.

Then, as reality has a way of butting in…there was work to do, and chores waiting. I got busy, as we all do. I cleaned the house, went to the gym, cooked and gardened, and paid bills. My dear hubby noticed that I hadn’t sprinkled my “garden” and gave them some water from time to time.

I peered out my bedroom window one morning and was surprised by the sight of stems topped with buds, and a little color on a few of the green bunches. I ran out to look! Sure enough…something was happening! Before I knew it…I was waking up each morning to more and more flowers. I didn’t know their names but I loved them…each and every one of them, as they continued to reach up and dance in the breeze. They were beautiful dancers. They were my ballerinas…wild and free and they gave me the gift of joy as I watched them grow. They brought butterflies and bees to join their show. That old dirt patch was their stage, and I was their audience and cheer leader.

With every great performance in life…the show has to end. The season is over. It was time for me to put them to rest, close the curtain, so to speak…I had mixed feelings, but for me that now has become a time to wonder what show will be featured next spring. I get to repeat the expectation of the “Ballerinas & Company”.

I am happy to announce that this year’s performance has begun and I’m finding new treasures each day…much to my delight!

Jackie Jesch

Waterwise Botanicals

Tips & Hints

A mini green succulent with pink flowers, planted in a white coffee/tea cup/mug.
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A fun list of 12 compiled truths observed by Jackie Jesch of Waterwise Botanicals located in Bonsall, CA. We can all be a little more like succulents.
Honey Bee on Pink Flower
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Hummingbird getting nectar from a flower
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Monarch Butterfly on Pink Flowers
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January 8, 2025
The comfort plant has so many powerful healing properties and It can be used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, and additionally contains polyphenols and flavonoids. Do yourself a favor and google "polyphenols and flavonoids". What you'll find will shock and astonish you! These are amazing for your body and your skin! You can purchase the "Comfort Plant" or the juice of the comfort plant called "Soothes It" here at Waterwise Botanicals in Bonsall CA. OR.. to have "Soothes It" shipped directly to your door, you can order it from Watch our full YouTube video by clicking the photo above! Please let us know what you have used "Soothes it" for in the comments!
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Letter from the Author
From the time I was a little girl, helping my mom plant sweet peas, to being in the nursery business for almost twenty years…I’ve loved gardening. Some of my best days were spent whiling away my time in the garden, visiting nurseries, browsing through endless garden books and magazines, and garden design ideas at Waterwise Botanicals plant nursery.

Working in this industry has taught me well, but what I love most is the creativity that goes along with it. Designing a beautiful landscape, or meeting such wonderful people who share their enthusiasm & ideas for gardening. I never tire of discovering new plants, or changing up the mood of my garden.

​I have a passion for photography and writing, so you will usually find me with my camera trying to capture a shot of a beautiful plant or design. My articles are written to inspire, encourage, and share some pearls of wisdom I’ve gathered through the years, as well as highlight other authors, plants and concepts that are trending in design. So, let’s take a journey together “IN THE GARDEN”.

- Jackie Jesch
Waterwise Botanicals
Letter from the Author
From the time I was a little girl, helping my mom plant sweet peas, to being in the nursery business for almost twenty years…I’ve loved gardening. Some of my best days were spent whiling away my time in the garden, visiting nurseries, browsing through endless garden books and magazines, and garden design ideas at Waterwise Botanicals plant nursery.

Working in this industry has taught me well, but what I love most is the creativity that goes along with it. Designing a beautiful landscape, or meeting such wonderful people who share their enthusiasm & ideas for gardening. I never tire of discovering new plants, or changing up the mood of my garden.

​I have a passion for photography and writing, so you will usually find me with my camera trying to capture a shot of a beautiful plant or design. My articles are written to inspire, encourage, and share some pearls of wisdom I’ve gathered through the years, as well as highlight other authors, plants and concepts that are trending in design. So, let’s take a journey together “IN THE GARDEN”.

- Jackie Jesch
Waterwise Botanicals

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January 8, 2025
The comfort plant has so many powerful healing properties and It can be used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal, and additionally contains polyphenols and flavonoids. Do yourself a favor and google "polyphenols and flavonoids". What you'll find will shock and astonish you! These are amazing for your body and your skin! You can purchase the "Comfort Plant" or the juice of the comfort plant called "Soothes It" here at Waterwise Botanicals in Bonsall CA. OR.. to have "Soothes It" shipped directly to your door, you can order it from Watch our full YouTube video by clicking the photo above! Please let us know what you have used "Soothes it" for in the comments!
January 8, 2025
Tecoma stans (bell flowers) is a large, fast-growing shrubs that thrive even in high desert heat and flower most of the year with showy, bold masses of yellow, red or orange flowers. They can be large, even to the point of becoming a small tree, up to 10’ tall and almost as wide. Very drought tolerant when established. Can take some colder climates where winters don’t drop below the 20’s, but even in those temperatures, may freeze to the ground, and then re-emerge in the spring. Happy colors! To watch the video on our YouTube channel, please click on the photo above! To check out our varieties of Bell flowers click HERE!
January 7, 2025
Opuntia Ellisiana is an amazing cactus- It's not only edible, but it's considered a superfood! Eat the pads (tastes like bell pepper!) Add them to tacos, salsa or add them to smoothies for a punch of antioxidants! In the winter, they form the most delicious fruit! Sweet in taste, you can add them to jams or eat them raw! Have you tried the fruit? We want to know in the comments! Tell us how you prepared this amazing fruit! Check out Opuntia Ellisiana on our website by clicking HERE!
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