We are located in North San Diego county:
32151 Old Hwy 395 Bonsall, CA 92003
It's such a beautiful day! Come to the gardens to explore...take in all the beauty! We have 20 acres of nursery and gardens, 3 ponds stocked with tropical fish, turtles, and frogs, a beautiful shade house full of beautiful plants, and rows and rows of succulents and roses. Come get inspired and let nature heal your soul!
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Summer in the Garden
We all look forward to Summers in our yards and patios…Barbeques, Parties, Family, and Friends joining us for get-togethers and memory makers. Now is the time to take a look around and do some gardening. The weather Is warming up, we have that long awaited sunshine and the days are longer, giving us time outdoors.
First thing I think of, is how the yard looks…Is the grass in need of fertilizer?
Do the shrubs need pruning? Where’s the color?
Do we need new pads for the lawn/patio furniture?
This can be daunting… or it can be FUN. I choose FUN, so I go shopping at a local nursery or Home Depot for flowering plants to add that color. I prefer perennials, but annuals work too, or a combination of the two. Fill your trunk with fun! Then go home and fill in your spaces with color. Get out the sheers and gracefully trim anything overgrown or ugly. Before you leave it for the day grab your fertilizer and lightly sprinkle or cast it around and water in, so it won’t burn. Repeat the watering again, then relax for a day or two…enjoy the difference you are making 😊.
Find a shady spot and add a chair & table maybe an umbrella if needed or a spot under a tree and claim it for your own “quiet spot” Read, write, call a friend, listen to music, and RELAX. I love those books for pressing flowers or leaves. What a great time to start your pressed flower/leaf book. I’m sure they have them online…or maybe Barnes and Noble might have them. The collection you make might just be what you need and you get to share it with family and friends.
If you are artistic, it might be time to start sketching or bring out the water colors for some fun. Planning a family photo wall or Scrap/Photo book is wonderful for those HOT days when you want to stay inside. We like to play Scrabble, so we change the rules a bit and play ½ hr. Scrabble in the evenings for a change of pace from TV…YES, you can even play out in the patio in the evening light and cooler temps.
We find evening walks feel great! We even drive to some of them and then walk in the cooler evening air and we still get in some exercise. We have a golf course near us so we walk along the adjacent street…or we take a drive to the beach and watch the sunset as we walk.
Getting back to gardening…it can be too hot some days, but the days are longer and we enjoy being out in the garden in the evening. It’s still light enough to make some beautiful changes and is a great evening activity.
One thing that I love is having some lights to string outside in the trees or under a patio. It brings a touch of enchantment to your garden to give you memories to carry into fall and winter.
Have a happy time in your garden this Summer…One that is suited especially for you 😊
Till next time… Jackie Jesch
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