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Aloe camperi

SKU 00351
Product Details
Botanical Name: Aloe camperi
Common name: Popcorn Aloe
Attracts: Hummingbirds

Aloe camperi, commonly known as Popcorn Aloe is a very rare Aloe, and one of the few that has verdant green leaves. The toothy edges are soft to the touch, and user friendly, on long, strap-like, slightly recurving leaves. Popcorn Aloe blooms later in the season than most Aloes, so it is a nice extension of the flowering season going more into the spring than other Aloes which tend to be winter bloomers. The flowers are unique also, as they tend to be less tubular, and a little bit more puffy in a beautiful, soft apricot color. Flower stems are slightly candelabra, and arise above the plants by about 1.5 ft. Excellent as a large, dramatic, container plant. Regular garden watering to very water-wise. Hardy to the high 20s. Not extremely heat resistant in full sun for interior deserts such as Palm Springs or Arizona, although fine with some shade.

  • Type: Succulent
  • Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
  • Height: 3 Feet
  • Width: 3 Feet
  • Hardy To: 28° F
  • Blooms: Orange during Late Spring
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