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Aloe ferox

SKU 00355
Product Details
Botanical Name: Aloe ferox
Common name: Cape Aloe
Attracts: Hummingbirds

Aloe ferox, commonly known as Cape Aloe, has massive 2 to 3 foot heads of heavy, steel-blue triangular leaves covered with dark toothy bumps rise upward on thick 6″-8″; diameter, single trunks up to 6′ tall. This is marginally one of the “tree” aloes, though not reaching tall, branching proportions. Massive candelabras, up to 3′ across, of fiery red flowers in late winter. Very dramatic accent plant, looking almost extra-planetary when mature. Valuable as large specimens. Hardy to mid 20’s. Very water wise, but does well in moist soils also. Full sun.

  • Type: Succulent
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Height: 6 Feet
  • Width: 3 Feet
  • Hardy To: 25° F
  • Blooms: Orange-Red
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Aloe ferox
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