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Calandrinia spectabillis

SKU 00365
Product Details
Botanical Name: Calandrinia spectabillis
Common name: Jazz-Time Jade

Calandrinia spectabillis, commonly known as Jazz-Time Jade is a beautiful blue foliaged succulent plant is so incredibly tough that established plants can survive easily on our natural rainfall, and yet, produces hundreds of intense, carmine-pink flowers on 2 foot slender stems from late winter through fall. The foliage rarely grows taller than 12” or so, but it can spread to about 4′-5′ wide. About the only maintenance that needs to be done is to weed whack back the copious amount of flower stems that are produced, so that fresh new ones can immediately emerge to continue on with the show. Despite its succulent foliage, it is distasteful to the undiscriminating palette of rabbits, so it’s great on slopes and edging up to chaparral and natural areas. It appreciates additional irrigations during cool season, as long as not in a poor drainage situation. Likes full sun, or very slight filtered shade. In hot interior deserts similar to Palm Springs, Phoenix, etc. must have filtered shade.

  • Type: Succulent
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Height: 1 Foot
  • Width: 4-6 Feet
  • Hardy To: 25° F
  • Blooms: Carmine Pink during Late Winter through Fall
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Calandrinia spectabillis
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