We are located in North San Diego county:
32151 Old Hwy 395 Bonsall, CA 92003
It's such a beautiful day! Come to the gardens to explore...take in all the beauty! We have 20 acres of nursery and gardens, 3 ponds stocked with tropical fish, turtles, and frogs, a beautiful shade house full of beautiful plants, and rows and rows of succulents and roses. Come get inspired and let nature heal your soul!
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Botanical Name: Dudleya edulis
Dudleya edulis, commonly known as “Fingertips” has rounded, anemone-like leaves, slightly purple, are covered with a chalk-white powder. They grow in clusters and are best tucked into rock gardens between rocks, and in nooks and crannies, where they will will clump to about a foot wide, but never taller than a few inches. Also beautiful in container gardens. Native to the Channel Islands off of the coast of California, it is appropriate that they resemble some kind of marine creature dwelling in a crystal clear tide pool. Actively growing in winter, they take a rest in the summer, when they prefer less water as well.
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