We are located in North San Diego county:
32151 Old Hwy 395 Bonsall, CA 92003
It's such a beautiful day! Come to the gardens to explore...take in all the beauty! We have 20 acres of nursery and gardens, 3 ponds stocked with tropical fish, turtles, and frogs, a beautiful shade house full of beautiful plants, and rows and rows of succulents and roses. Come get inspired and let nature heal your soul!
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Euphorbia flanaganii, commonly knowns as Medusa’s Head. If you’re looking for one of the “all time” curio plants of the world, then why not a green head with green snakes for hair!? That’s what this unusual plant looks like! A central, main stem, or head bears thinner side branches that radiate outward from the center looking just like snakes. The overall form of this weird plant is flat and pan-like. During the late winter/early spring months it can be found almost covered with tiny, brilliant yellow flowers. Full sun to light, partial shade coastal and coastal plain; substantial shade in hot desert climates. Appreciates extra water and fertilizer during warm season. Very good as a potted plant, in order to bring this oddity up to eye level. Frost tender.
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