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Euphorbia ingens

SKU 00064
Product Details
Botanical Name: Euphorbia ingens
Common name: Giant African Candelabra Tree

Euphorbia ingens, commonly known as Giant African Candelabra Tree, can grow as high as 20 to 25 feet tall and up to 40 feet wide. Stems are a rich, lush green in color and growing up to 3 feet or more per year. Despite its massive size, this process takes many years, so smaller plants can be readily enjoyed, even in containers as a beautiful vertical accent. Quite suitable as a specimen house plant as well if placed very close to sunny, untinted windows. Tender to frost. As is the case with most Euphorbias, really thrives on extra water and fertilizer during the warm growing season.

  • Type: Cactus
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Height: 25 Feet
  • Width: 40 Feet
  • Hardy To: 50° F
  • Blooms: Yellow
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Euphorbia ingens
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