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Haworthia fasciata

SKU 00392
Product Details
Botanical Name: Haworthia fasciata
Common name: Toad’s Toes

Haworthia fasciata, commonly known as Toad’s Toes is too small to have impact as a landscaping plant, but this little succulent is incredibly interesting for containers and small spaces in rocks, and cracks and corners of walls. Its slender little leaves form small clumps. This little plant has bold, white, slender ridges arranged horizontally against a dark green on its leaves, resembling a zebra’s striping. It thrives indoors on sunny or bright windowsills. It is easy to grow in good drainage outdoors, but needs some shade to do its best. Suitable outdoors only for Southern California coastal plains. It is extremely tender to frost. When you’re done enjoying it for its beautifully textured and colored leaves, it surprises you by frequently sending out slender flower spikes adorned with tiny little white flowers hanging like bells from the stem. In containers and other applications, this little guy can live trouble free for many years!

  • Type: Succulent
  • Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
  • Height: 3 Inches
  • Width: 6 Inches
  • Hardy To: 50° F
  • Blooms: Orange during Spring to Fall
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Haworthia fasciata
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