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Kalanchoe beharensis

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Common Name: Zig-Zag Felt Plant


Kalanchoe beharensis, commonly known as Zig-Zag Felt Plant has huge, scalloped leaves up to a foot long are covered by a dense layer of fine, buff-colored felt, slightly lime on top, and slightly mocha underneath, borne on intensely sculptured, bold zigzagging branches, up to 4 inches in diameter, on nice specimens. This has to be one of the most striking and exotic looking of all large succulent plants, giving an extremely unique twist to tropical, African, or Mediterranean looks alike! It can be grown indoors, but only with a great deal of direct sunlight from untinted windows. Outdoors is where it can fully achieve its most dramatic and bold appearance, but this needs to be done either in a large container that can be moved indoors or into a protective courtyard during the winter, or along the immediate southern California coastal plain, as it is extremely sensitive to frost. A large, fully leafed out plant is extremely valuable. Needs full sun, and does well with regular garden watering to quite dry- good drainage. Flowers are insignificant.

  • Type: Succulent
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Height: 5 Feet
  • Width: 3 Feet
  • Hardy To: 32° F
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