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Pereskia grandiflora

SKU 00515
Product Details

Pereskia grandiflora

Royal Queen Tropical Cactus
Interestingly, this beautiful leafy tropical plant is a true cactus! A hint might be the long, sharp, jet-black spines hiding under the leaves. It makes a colorful exotic shrub where neither frost nor freeze is an issue, so definitely, a coastal, or potted specimen plant that can be moved in and out of doors to protect from the cold. I’ve seen mature plants become almost 16’ tall when growing in the landscape, but pruning is often effective and appreciated, keeping it a more moderate-sized, and shaped, flowering shrub. The purple flowers, which are presented almost year-round (even when the leaves have dropped off for winter) are born at the tips of the stems, and look and feel as if they’re made out of pure wax! Full sun is best for flower production, although light shade works too. Hardy to only about 30 degrees.
  • Type: Shrub/Cactus
  • Exposure: Full Sun/Part Shade
  • Height: 3 Feet
  • Width: 3 Feet
  • Hardy To: 32° F
  • Blooms: Purple, Year-Round
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