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Trichocereus terscheckii

SKU 00474
Product Details

Trichocereus terscheckii

Argentine Saguaro

The iconic Arizona Saguaro will not grow in many climates… too cool for active growth, and susceptible to hard freezes. The Argentine Saguaro, however, will grow vigorously- up to 2’ a year, in cooler coastal climates, inland valleys, and even some inner west and mountain foothill locations. Imagine having “Saguaros” all the way up the Central Valley, past Sacramento, and into Redding!

  • Type: Cactus
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Hardy To: It’s hardy to single-digit temperatures;
  • Blooms: mature plants (usually with arms) will produce huge pink/white flowers in spring through summer.
  • Height: To 15’ tall.

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Trichocereus terscheckii
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